7 Replies to “CIA Torture: American Heroes or Sadistic Psychopaths? You Decide!”
If torturing our fellow humans for information we deem integral resulted in anything but sad inaccuracies, it MIGHT be something to investigate as a horrid but necessary method of gaining needed intelligence data. When, however, has torture been anything but a failure? The only people who benefit seem to be the torturers who derive pleasure from feeding their psychopathy. Not all who engage in mindless torture are psychopathic or sociopathic. However, in looking at the upswing in violence used in police training, one can envision the direction this country is headed. If illegal chokeholds are used by our police without moderators or at least supervisors, how much of a leap is it to see the Gitmo-refined torturous methods in our local lock-ups as being permissible, where prisoners cannot demand freedom from torture? It’s our right, and that document states clearly that our first right is to LIFE. We humiliate, subjugate and torture Gitmo prisoners, for one example, because many in the military/police believe we are entitled. Why? It started with Sept. 11, 2001 and has increased slowly but quite alarmingly. We are not a violence species by rote, we learned our behaviors and it’s time to unlearn them.
If torturing our fellow humans for information we deem integral resulted in anything but sad inaccuracies, it MIGHT be something to investigate as a horrid but necessary method of gaining needed intelligence data. When, however, has torture been anything but a failure? The only people who benefit seem to be the torturers who derive pleasure from feeding their psychopathy. Not all who engage in mindless torture are psychopathic or sociopathic. However, in looking at the upswing in violence used in police training, one can envision the direction this country is headed. If illegal chokeholds are used by our police without moderators or at least supervisors, how much of a leap is it to see the Gitmo-refined torturous methods in our local lock-ups as being permissible, where prisoners cannot demand freedom from torture? It’s our right, and that document states clearly that our first right is to LIFE. We humiliate, subjugate and torture Gitmo prisoners, for one example, because many in the military/police believe we are entitled. Why? It started with Sept. 11, 2001 and has increased slowly but quite alarmingly. We are not a violence species by rote, we learned our behaviors and it’s time to unlearn them.