President-Elect Donald Trump

By Jon Kelly

Vancouver, BC

12 Replies to “President-Elect Donald Trump”

  1. your-speech- is pure bs and crazy. it was steve piezenik who said in a video that the good guys out of fifteen intel agency’s held a counter coup to hillery’s coup for president. she is luciferian, extremely corrupt backed by the 13 iluminati family’s and as a whole, freemasons abouve 33rd degree. soros, rothschilds, kazarians and the shadow govern. and far worse. he even admitted how the bushes, bil clinton, obama had stolen there election. while he many be pro-israel he’s far the lesser evil by far

    1. If your only purpose here is to spam articles with claims concerning “kazarians” and personal attacks against the editors you will be invited to leave. The election is over with journalists now exploring possible future scenarios under a Trump presidency. One such scenario involves the kind of “turnkey tyranny” described by Edward Snowden. NewsInsideOut offers a series concerning Snowden’s NSA UFO cache that shows we ID’d the whistleblower’s UFO bona fides long before Neil deGrasse Tyson. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

  2. I was extremely surprised that a comment i made about what was positive about the election was not allowed to be posted…I also thanked Jon Kelly for his work about Trump…I know the election is over.. I was just trying to counter the negative comment’s about Kelly…..This reminded me of the censorship i have endured on Facebook…I never expected it to happen here…I think the timing of this report is what caused this backlash….The last thing you want to do is alienate the very people you are trying to wake up….This election was a painful experience for many on both sides… Soooo easy does it…

  3. Pingback: Anonymous
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