By Jon Kelly

Vancouver, BC

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  1. Pingback: Pizzagate
  2. The president when referring to the intelligence agencies as nazis was talking about its leader’s that are gone now….not the entire intelligence community…..Everybody misses that…Alot of the subjects of a sexual nature have some truth…, .Some say he has been given a pass for his service to the country at this time….He was given a chance to serve humanity.,,and he took it… Alot of people have jumped ship including some of the Rothchild’s….So i believe he’s there for a purpose….I always judge people by what they do, ,,,not by what they did……Getting back to the nazi statement…I found the same argument on mainstream news….That is what scares me.. ha ha ..I think there is room for a discussion on what trump is doing now…..New energies have come to the planet, and i think they will have alot of influence on how Trumps presidency goes…Once he finishes what he was put there for, we will move on to a more well liked,, more progressive leader….Until then ,,i got his back…..

  3. I voted for Johnson so I’m not a hardcore Trump supporter.
    However, I’m astounded at the ferocity of the corporate media’s continuous attacks on the guy.

    Frankly, it’s downright weird.

    Is Trump on a first name basis with Illuminati types? Absolutely. Has he done immoral things? Probably. Is he involved in this Pizzagate business? I truly doubt it. All of the preceding applies to Obama, IMO, as well.

    I realize that the Trump presidency has been painful and awkward thus far but I think this is a necessary (though completely unexpected) part of exposing whatever sort of shadow consortium of dirt bags are trying to rule the world.

  4. Something came to my mind the other day about this reverse speech analysis…. Could john be picking up the signals being sent to Trump from artificial intelligence ???? which would mean its not written in stone.. If trump is awake or awakens, he will be unable to mind control which would mean he is working for humanity..when i say awaken i mean an individual who understands that he is a creator being who is capable of creating his or her own reality.. That would change everything … There are always two sides to any story ,,and both sides should be looked at to find the truth about what is going on… Something to think about…

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